

  • Reflexology is a therapy that works by stimulating the body’s own healing mechanisms through activating the many thousands of nerve endings in the feet. The resulting signals that travel from your feet to your brain pick up lots of information as they pass along your nerve network. Your body has a tremendous capacity for self-healing and this rich source of information enables the brain to make a thorough assessment of healing priorities and initiate repair accordingly. With good dietary building blocks to hand and an opportunity for restorative sleep it is amazing what can be achieved.

    Our bodies have evolved so that walking bare-foot on uneven ground would naturally create a rich source of nerve stimulation and information for our brains. However, our relatively modern level floors and protective shoes deprive us of this high-quality source of information about the state of play in our body. Most of us can relate to the restorative effect of running around bare foot on grass or sand, or even having a foot massage, and there’s evidence in the pyramids that the Ancient Egyptians practiced a form of reflexology in order to promote healing. Reflexology applies a comprehensive and systematic stimulation of the nerve endings in the feet to maximise the potential benefits to be had.

    One of the added bonuses of Reflexology however is that, as a trained practitioner, I am able to read the nervous system signals that are travelling the other way, i.e. head to toe. This means that I can pick up on imbalances and target these areas, even when they may not yet be known to you. Reflexologists are trained to identify which nerve endings relate to specific parts of the body and so can identify where imbalances are located… we can’t diagnose specifically what is wrong but often our knowledge of biology and the ‘feel’ of the imbalance can provide a very helpful clue.

    Each of my reflexology treatments typically takes between 1 ¼ - 1 ½ hours and begins with a discussion of your current physical and mental health so that I can tailor the treatment accordingly. The treatment proper lasts between 45-60 minutes during which you are encouraged to close your eyes and relax or even fall asleep if you wish. The touch is firm to encourage strong nerve signals and can be adjusted to suit so that you have a good experience, even people with ticklish feet find it works well for them. At the end of the session you are likely to feel relaxed and calm and I’ll share my findings and discuss possible next steps with you. The full benefit of the treatment occurs during subsequent periods of deep sleep and should result in improved health within a couple of days.

  • Foot Profiling is a unique therapy that I’ve developed by combining reflexology with personality profiling to help identify and unlock some of the root causes behind chronic illness. Foot Profiling can be carried out either in person or on-line.

    Foot Profiling uses reflexology to identify biological markers on your feet that correlate to certain aspects of personality, such as Extraversion, Introversion, Rationality and Intuition. These biological markers exist because our genetically driven chemistry and wiring underpins and informs underlying/innate personality (hence the effective chemical treatment of personality disorders). While this can be interesting in and of itself the real value lies in comparing this biological information with the expressed personality that has developed over years of exposure to external factors such as family dynamics and social influence. Expressed personality can be established through the additional use of psychometric testing/personality profiling, widely used throughout both corporate and counselling worlds to help understand and appreciate individual personality preferences and differences which, in turn, can inform highly effective leadership strategies, group dynamics, inter-personal relationships and help resolve many forms of conflict.

    This unique combination of reflexology and personality profiling creates a rich picture of the inner and outer world of your personality. The majority of biological personality markers will often correlate with a person’s expressed personality however identifying any mis-matches can be extremely useful. The energy required to maintain a personality that is at odds with our innate biology can be a trade-off worth making for many reasons, however, it can also lead to long term internal stress that can manifest as a chronic health condition. Understanding energetic trade-offs that you might be habitually, and often unconsciously, making over a significant length of time, can help identify the root cause of chronic conditions.

    Foot Profiling consists of the completion of a Personality Preference questionnaire and a subsequent consultation. The questionnaire can be answered on-line and takes around 40 minutes to complete. The Foot Profiling consultation can be either face-to-face or on-line and typically takes between 2 - 2 ½ hours. The consultation involves an exploration of your physical and mental health history and significant life events, the taking of various measurements from each foot and a discussion of findings and recommendations. As a result of your individual foot profile you will have an in-depth understanding of your personality preferences and an in-sight into any potential personality-based stress factors that could be contributing to recurring or chronic health conditions.

Louise Bloor Reflexology & FootProfiling

If you’re wondering whether reflexology treatments might be for you or whether I might be the type of therapist you’re looking for then hopefully this page will help you decide.  Alongside traditional reflexology practice I’ve also researched and developed a Foot Profiling technique that can help unlock chronic conditions through understanding stress caused by differences in expressed and biological personality. If you’ve had a read and still have unanswered questions then please get in touch and I’ll do my best to help.

Price List:

Reflexology Full Consultation & Treatment (1.5-2 hours): £40

Reflexology Follow-on Treatment within 6 weeks (1-1.5 hours): £35

FootProfiling: £125